Care CEUs

Overcoming Alzheimer's Disease

Change Starts with Public Awareness

1. Which race of caregivers was concerned about stigma the most?

A. African-American B. Hispanic C. Caucasian D. No difference between races

Don't Reinvent the Wheel

2. The United States is nationally behind the curve of seven countries and more than 25 states in our nation that already have Alzheimer's disease plans in place.

A. True B. False


3. According to the NIH Almanac, what amount out of each dollar appropriated to NIH goes toward supporting the work of the NIA?

A. 16.5 cents B. 14.6 cents C. 6.3 cents D. 3.6 cents

4. How long is the average length of time from target discovery to FDA approval of a new drug?

A. 2 years B. 8 years C. 14 years D. 24 years

Clinical Care

5. According to a 2009 article in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, general practitioners miss about _____% of all dementia cases.

A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60

6. Unlike heart disease, breast cancer, and high blood pressure, there is no screening test for dementia included in the wellness visit.

A. True B. False

7. Cognitive screening instruments demonstrate _____% to _____% or higher sensitivity and specificity in reviewed studies.

A. 10, 20 B. 30, 40 C. 60, 70 D. 80, 90

Long-Term Care

8. About two-thirds of young adults (18-21) assist with doctors' appointments.

A. True B. False

9. Funding for IAH is entirely from the savings it achieves, and savings sharing will permit reinvestment in three types of technology (health information technology, telemonitoring, and mobile miniaturized diagnostics).

A. True B. False

10. Direct-care workers provide critical support to older adults in need of long-term care, providing _____ out of every ten hours of paid service delivered.

A. 10 B. 8 C. 6 D. 4

What Is at Stake

11. A rarer form of Alzheimer's disease, known as young-onset, can affect people as young as in their 50's.

A. True B. False

AFA Comments on Strategy 1.D: Coordinate research with international public and private entities

12. AFA proposes that health ministries and national departments of health worldwide develop an international Alzheimer's plan that will do which of the following?

A. Standardize biomarkers and surrogate end-points. B. Coordinate drug surveillance. C. Enhance global regulatory cooperation. D. All of the above.

AFA Comments on Action 2.A: Build a workforce with the skills to provide high-quality care

13. Recommendations include requiring certified nursing aids and home care aides and their supervisors to take at least _____ hours of training, including explicit geriatric care and gerontological content.

A. 90 B. 120 C. 150 D. 180

AFA Comments on Strategy 2.G: Advance coordinated and integrated health and long-term services and supports for individuals living with AD

14. People with certain intellectual disabilities almost always develop AD as they age.

A. True B. False

AFA Comments on Strategy 2.H: Improve care for populations disproportionally affected by Alzheimer's disease and for populations facing care challenges

15. Government programs like Medicare currently require beneficiaries to be 65 years and older, with the exception of persons diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease, who are eligible at age 50.

A. True B. False

AFA Comments on Strategy 3.B: Enable family caregivers to continue to provide care while maintaining their own health and well-being

16. Which federal program provides grants to states for family planning and social services, research and development projects, and training in the field of aging.

A. Older Americans Act B. Lifespan Respite Care Act C. National Family Caregivers Support Program D. Missing Alzheimer's Disease Patient Alert Program

Plan Implementation: A Foundation Being Laid

17. NIH is undertaking a new initiative to conduct whole genome sequencing to identify areas of genetic variation that correspond to increased risk (risk factors) or decreased risk (protective factors) of Alzheimer's disease.

A. True B. False

18. Who is often the first to notice symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and report their concerns to medical professionals?

A. The individual with the symptoms B. Family members C. Friends D. None of the above

Building on the Foundation: Recommendations to Update the National Plan

19. AFA supports the establishment of a central Alzheimer's disease research coordination entity within NIH that has the authority and ability to convene inter-agency and non-government constituencies domestically, but not internationally.

A. True B. False

Conclusion: Voices Working Together to Build

20. What is the rate of increase of Alzheimer's disease?

A. Doubles every 3 years after age 65. B. Triples every 8 years after age 65. C. Doubles every 5 years after age 65. D. Triples every 6 years after age 65.

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