How CEUs Work

Earning CEUs is as easy as 1-2-3! You won't pay a dime until you have passed your exam - you have 6 chances to pass (70% is passing!). All CEU course material and CEU exams are Free to view and download. Just follow these easy steps to earn your CEUs:

Step 1: Find a CEU Course

You'll see several CEU categories you can choose from. Each CEU course will show you the number of CEU hours it provides. The course title link will take you to a more detailed course description and objectives.  Alternatively, you can do a search in the upper-left side of the website for a CEU course containing a given keyword. 

Step 2: Read CEU Course Material and Study

Once you've found the CEU course you want, click the 'View' link underneath the 'Worksheet' column. This is an exact copy of the online exam you will take later, after you have read the course material. Use this worksheet to answer the test questions while you read the material by clicking the link  'download' under the 'Material' column. This will download the course material to your computer where you can read it using the free Adobe Reader. If you do not have Adobe installed on your computer you can install it for free from here: While reading the course material enter your answers on the exam worksheet that you printed. 

Step 3: Take the CEU Exam and Print Your CEU Certificate

When you have completed reading the course material and answering all of the questions on the worksheet you will be ready to take the online exam and have it graded. Click the green start button under the 'Take Test' column to start the exam. Simply click the answer next to each question using the answers from your worksheet and submit the exam when you're done. You'll need a score of 70% or higher to pass. If you don't pass, don't worry, you can take an exam up to 6 times. All of your correct and incorrect answers are saved for you to easily retake the exam. All you need to do to retake the exam is replace the incorrect answers marked in 'red'. It's That Easy!

Once you've passed your CEU exam, you can submit payment on the checkout screen and instantly download your CEU certificate! A copy of your CEU Certificate is automatically emailed to you as well.

Ready to Begin? Click this link to see our list of CEU Courses.

Also, make sure to read through our CEU Frequently Asked Questions and finally, feel free to Contact us if you have questions.